my name is john daggel. the execution of a personal services contract in a total amount not to exceed $122,000 for services for oci; allocation bonds. the scope of the contract as director bohee indicated the issuance for tax refunding, tax allocation bonds for mission bay north and south as well as new tax bonds for mission bay and new refunding bonds for mission bay north and south. now, i know that gets confusing but basically this mission bay north and south under each one we have taxable and tax exempt and under each one of those we have new money and refunding. the taxable bonds deal with housing and the tax exempt with infrastructure. it makes it a little easier to think about it. the tax exempt refunding bonds will take advantage of low interest rates to refinance through three outstanding bonds from mission bay north and two series for mission bay south. the most recent calculation which is somewhat dated is approximately $15 million combined. the realized savings will be subject to market condition