. >>, argument that was made yesterday by john darton, which is an interesting argument-s that kennedy should have gotten all the reporters together and said this has been broken, we should all report it at the psalm time. and we'll go and tell the censors. and that's one argument. i don't mean to laugh it off. i think it's a thoughtful argument. but there's another way to look at it, which is you're with the a.p. and you're supposed to report news and you've got a first, so you report it. >> let me give some perspective on a related event. wes gallagher has the byline on the d-day invasion story. you can look that up. the original report came from a.p. quoting german radio, that the invasion had begun before the allies authorized the release of the d-day invasion story. this happens all the time. and knowing something like that, as ed kennedy did, i think that also adds to the cultural aspect that he did what he knew the wire service always does. when an embargo is broken, when the word gets out, and you know it's true, you go. you get the news out of town. >> was he one of the few wh