i use the term as a catch-all, you know, multiculturalism, john dewey, you know the drill. i can see you nodding. um, from the reading that i've done on this subject -- and i'm not an educator -- cognizant development in young children is thwarted by the education system which, by the way, happens to be dominated by women, ironically. what's your take on progressive education? i mean, what i'm trying to say is all these young adults who should be adults start somewhere, and grows up with pseudoself-esteem, so could you address that? >> yeah. i think christina has written about primary education and the way it is unfriendly to boys. for one thing we've seen a big decline or a big transformation in the kinds of books that students, young students are being asked to read. you won't find the adventure books anymore, or not very much, the kinds of books that might have appealed to boys. i remember reviewing a book some time ago about the change in textbooks, history textbooks. and the writer there said that if you were to look at the updated textbooks, you know, postfeminist tex