john dewey the leading social philosopher in the late 20th century he argued that until all institutions production commerce. media unless they're all under participatory democratic control we will not have a functioning democratic society. as he put it policy will be the shadow cast by business over a society. that's centrally true. where there are structures of authority domination and hire somebody gives the orders somebody takes them they are not self justifying they have to justify themselves and their burden of proof to me. will if you take a close look usually find the. just for themselves if they can we ought to be dismantling. trying to expand the domain of freedom and justice but dismantling that form of illegitimate authority and in fact progress over the years we'll thankfully recognize as progress has been just that the way things change is because lots of people are working all the time and you know they're working in their communities in their workplace or wherever they happen to be and they're building up the basis for popular movements which are going to make changes and