and they are welcomed at columbia university, where john dewey had been a professor. what is john dewey, what is columbia at that time, and what is columbia teachers college still today? the preeminent teachers college in the united states of america. and the marxist arrived with a new theory called critical theory. sound familiar? it's the precursor to critical race theory and critical gender theory. and they begin to teach it, and they begin to teach it in the teachers colleges, which means when those teachers go out and become heads of their departments or other places, they're teaching critical theory. and what is critical theory to your point? critical theory, its premise is to deconstruct effectively western christian civilization. it is criticize all things that lead to the white euro patriarchy capitalist system that must be torn down if we are to advance marxism. they thought in an economic sense, but it soon became a cultural sense, because they knew the class warfare wasn't going to fly in the united states of america. instead, our terrible path of racial i