they were led by a man named john dickinson. a very admirable fellow. mr.e: what was the nature of the revolutionist? were they intellectuals? were they political firebrands? were they -- what? mr. mccullough: they were all of that. intellectuals, firebrands, ambitious politicians. decent, hard-working people who had farms. mr. rose: just were offended by the way things were. mr. mccullough: they felt they were not being granted the rights that were their birthright as english subjects. in other words, they are not so much revolting to create a new and very different kind of society. they are saying, wait a minute, you are taking away our rights as english subjects, free englishmen, a government of laws, not of men, and you are taxing us, and we have no choice in that. and you are taxing us to pay your own bills back home. why should we pick up the tab for your expenditures there in england when we have no part in that life? most of us have never seen england, and besides, it is probably time we started our own country. mr. rose: no taxation without represe