published a series of sexually explicit text messages exchanged between republican house speaker john diehl. i'm not going to read the messages out loud because -- you can read them yourself if you would like to. air sickness bags are in the see the barack obamaback pocket in front of you. but the speaker admitted sending these texts to the teenaged intern and then that night he barricaded himself in his office all night and the reporters chased him and by the next morning, missouri house speaker john diehl was done. he not only stepped down as speaker, he resigned his seat entirely. this all happened in a flash. last week and it was right at the end of the legislative session in missouri. missouri republicans ended up having to swear in a new speaker of the house to replace him. when they did so, there was only seven hours left remaining in the session for the year. in missouri the speaker of the house is gone. sexual texts to teenager in the morning paper apologized and said he wouldn't quit during the day, spent afternoon locked in the office got chased by reporters and done dusted, gone