so it is not just a braintree move, it is paypal looking at this and john donahoe, ceo of e-bay is verynterested in bit-coin and watching it closely and so for paypal our first move to really embrace bit-coin. but it is via the braintree platform. >> does this mean bigger partners like air b and b will start handling transactions in bit-coin. >> we don't have any specific merchants we are starting to announce yet that will come in the coming months but most of the interesting merchants will be heavily interested and this came together that we are hearing that from them already that they had interest in this that we think the one-touch mobile payments that we announced as well as bit-coin is going to be high interest to a lot of merchants in the coming months. >> great. well thank you so much for appearing on stage with me. >> excellent. thanks, kim. >> all righty, how many of you have gadgets, from the sea of apple? how many people have a gadget with them right now? none of you are raising your hand? do you hear me? you can. i know you can. chances are this guy was involved in the creat