here we have the only surviving manuscript of john donne's holy sonnets july satires, paradoxes that was done in his own lifetime. it is not in his hand, but it is in and of his secretary and personal assistant. and this has the highest authority says drive directly from his own manuscripts. you can see changes in the differences between the text presented your and the mistakes and transcriptions that are made in the first edition and and perpetuated throughout the centuries prefer instance, in this audit all who more doors as eggs attorneys to all those two have been destroyed by this will be resurrected on the day of judgment. and this word birth was miss transcribed. and it was only in the 20th-century that it was read correctly and corrected a great poet. a great philosophical inquiry in order to create highly formal and complex sonnets and other forms of poetry. >> what else do you want to show? >> we have a wonderful collection. over 550 letters from all of the first editions. what is really remarkable is that we have our 13 performance copies, the copies he used to give public