that is not true. >> the victim's brother, john duncsak, says he listened to ed ates' testimony in utter was praying the jurors had, too. >> he was lying. i did not kill paul duncsak. you knew. i mean, you just felt he did. >> it was ed ates' shifting alibi for the crime that the prosecutor believed would undo the florida man. >> when he changed from "i was in louisiana on tuesday" to "i was in louisiana on wednesday," that was a mammoth change that the jury, i felt, would never buy. it was the big lie. he has lied to you again and again and again. >> in his closing, the prosecutor theorized for the jury just why edward ates had gone to such lengths to kill paul duncsak. it was for his daughter, stacey, whose life had been in free fall ever since her divorce from the victim. >> she really has nowhere to go. the father, her protector, wants her back and wants those grandchildren in florida, and so long as paul duncsak is alive that will not be. and i think in part ed ates viewed this matter as, he just needed killing. >> all wrong, replied the defense. it closed its case by underscoring,