and left john ebbinghouse feeling a bit more danish every year. >> i feel privileged to know how i can make less of an energy footprint than your average person. and i'm the one who gets to reap the benefits of that. >> reporter: for "worldfocus," john larson in copenhagen. >>> as we continue our look at the new denmark, let's look more specifically now at where that country is cutting harmful emissions. decades ago, denmark became a pioneer, a pioneer in wind power which now accounts for fully 20% of its energy production. denmark is in fact a world leader in wind power which, as you'll see in john larson's next report, has gone far beyond a government program and become a centerpiece in the lives of those who have embraced it and invested in it. >> reporter: we've come to this wind-swept corner of denmark to ask a question. what can one danish art dealer -- >> reporter: -- one danish farmer -- >> too good to tear down. >> reporter: -- and two pigs tell us about how denmark became the world leader in renewable wind power? but first, think back to the oil opec embargo of the late 1970s