and my name is john edmond abraham. and it is easier to call me mr. abraham. i'm here to -- for a couple reasons. mainly to let you know of the deplorable condition of the way people in charge, small businesses, the aids foundation -- 50 plus at the aids foundation, others open house that are there to support old, gay men and women fall far short of the goal and also the what's now called the h.i.v. care council, the h.i.v. community council. everybody is dropping the word -- the acronym aids out of the equation. the effect is out of sight, out of mind. they think this thing is over. and i just lost a friend two months ago to a.i.d.s that i've known and there's this huge hole. every other thought is about that person, and our lives, not together, but we were not lovers or anything like that. we were partners in a lot of ways. we came from new york. and i used to say, believe it or not, that the new york city opera and the metropolitan opera, and here, this man was a former eye surgeon, and when he got sick with aids, he couldn't do that anymore, and when i aim