talk to a gentleman that knows a lot about this, leave your ifb in, for more we're joined by john eichbergervernment relations for the national association of convenience stores and a trade group for an industry that sells 80% of the nation's gasoline. john, last week we were talking, having a debate about backup generators for gas stations and we found out a lot, number one it's really hard to get a, to make it safe since it's different for a gas station to use a generator, but it seems like part of the problem we had was you can't pump the gas if you don't have power. are there a lot of regulations that make it hard for your participants to have a generator or do we need to have regulation that mandates them to have a generator? what's the answer? >> i don't know that it's necessarily regulatory impediments to having generators. generators for a convenience store are expensive, 20, 30, maybe more thousand dollars per unit to run a convenience store. >> what about just for the gas, though, not let the milk go sour but what about just for the gas. >> you still need to spend several thousand