john elicman writes this was under the influence of a whole lot of scotch when he made that -- when he made that speech. nixon later on wrote that he never regretted saying that kind of thing. saying that at all. because he thought that was partially responsible for him getting more positive press coverage as he moved back up in the political life in through the mid-1960s. by 1968, he once again starts wearing the hat of the zen master. he has figured out probably before anybody else that tv -- that network tv news had changed entirely in the 1960s. i think it started in 1963 was a huge year. cbs, nbc both went from 15-minute to 30-minute newscasts. that meant a lot more than just another 15 minutes. the nature of what those organizations was about changed as well. also the coverage of the 1963 kennedy assassination totally changed the way people looked at network news. it was being taken very seriously. and he falls in with a fellow by the name of roger ails. now president of fox news. who designed a brilliant campaign on nixon's behalf. and basically did an enron around the news medi