lieutenant john everhart was part of the rescue team and he's been with the san diego city life guard service for more than 25 years. lieutenant, good evening to you. have you ever seen anything like this in your area before? >> well, good evening. i'll tell you, yesterday the water level here in mission valley was higher than i've ever seen it. i've been on a rescue flood team since 1988 and here in mission valley, that's the highest i've ever seen the water. so the rescues we had here was difficult, the water was treacherous. but a little good luck and a lot of experienced life guards and firefighters and police officers and good equipment and we were able to get everyone out of the vehicles and the buildings. >> we're looking at pictures of you and your team rescuing people, and six dogs, as well. using that rope-based system. is the hard part the depth of the water or the speed of which the water is moving? >> it's a little of both. there are other hazards there, too. during that rescue, we had a dumpster float down the river we were crossing. that's usually not a river, it's usua