john favreau joins us from washington. thanks for joining us, john. >> thanks for having me, lawrence. >> i hope it becomes a regular thing. i would love to spend all of this time praising your writing, writer to writer. >> thank you. >> but i've said it, i think your team was the best speech writing team the white house ever had. i think the president is the best presidential speech writer of his own material that i've heard, i assume you as boss of that team are the best of the best. thanks for that, john. i am fascinated in how much focus the people who are suffering, the sequester cuts and the cuts to come, are not getting attention in the crossfire of all of the issues floating around washington these days. the only attention that goes anywhere near their direction is the obsession with budget cutting that republicans continue to push. >> yeah, that's right, lawrence. i mean, a month ago a lot of republicans and some folks in the media were saying the president was exaggerating the effects of the sequester. a month lat