and captain john fenny the commanding officer of the property control division conducted an audit of a ten-year span from 2003, through 2012. his audit counted all of the sexual assault kits that were collected, or excuse me, that were taken into custody by the police department, during that ten-year span. 1707 kits were taken into custody by the property control division. of that group, 813 cases were sent to the crime lab for analysis. 894 cases of that group were not sent to the crime lab for analysis. however, in that group, 141 cases were the subject of our asap protocol and asap as you may recall is the department created program for, that the asap stands for the additional sexual assault evidence program. and what that does is there is a separate kit and an asap kit that is collected at the time of an examination of the survivor of a sexual assault, that kit is transported directly to the crime lab within 72 hours of being collected and it is assigned for analysis immediately there after. so, the group of 894, minus the group of 141 asa cases leaves us with a remainder of 763