i'm john fipps. actually committed some pre- meditated harvesting last week as a friend of mine needed to beat the rain to capture a big premium. we captured profusely but to be honest i would have paid him to get that dreaded first day over with. and we forgot to make one adjustment produce add broken belt. while in the cab erin was having a serious discussion with a skull beingy yield monitor. but the happy part of it it wasn't our field or our delay. let's get started with the news now and al pal. >> thanks john. the value of prime iowa farmland continues to check lawyer. the land institute shows the statewide average dip 9.5% for the 12-month perioding ending the first of this month. over the past six months values in the southwest corner of the state dropped more than 5%. the biggest drop in the state. a number of factors are driving this trend including lower commodity and livestock prices and declining confidence in the global economy. it's called a crop progress report but this year it could