and he said, did john foster dulles really say, "you can't fool all of the people all tte time but youas well give it your best &-[laughter] i said, victor, at these rates you can't expect real quotes. [laughter] anyway, anyway at some point he said we're going to have a cruise, we're going to have a cruise so would you come on as one of the guest speakers or whatever, panelists they called them because you're on a panel.3 and, and i said what makes you think these old pinkos are going to go on a cruise? and he said, well, from the first mailing, the guy from the national review said that the, that the return was so good. and i said, wait a minute, aren't they the enemy? you guys areecooperrting to get theemoney away from these peeple? i said, cool, it's sort of like milo minder binder in, in catch 22. >> catch 22. >> that's right. ú&esn't make any difference which side you're on, just bring in the money. so i, so i've gone on some. >> and so you and molly would do these... >> yeah, i thinkkmolly, i think we were on a couple of times together. >> and then we used to go, when the, when