first, john furland. >> two or three minutes?> two minutes. >> i wanted to comment on the ci reports. there was a great start in the absolute return section of the report. i'm happy because i've supported that for almost three years now. secondly, there's nothing in the report on -- well, one phrase on risk. and so, we're in the middle of an extremely complacent melt-up phase, which jeremy graham just wrote about. nobody knows the results. for the february 13th panel on risk mitigation, that you bring in an outside person who has a little bit more -- bring in jeremy grant, if you want. kyle bass is going to speak at the pension bridge conference in april. bring him in or meet with him on the side. bring somebody in like that who's going to give you a little bit of a scare. number two, just repeat. i think the managing director, risk management innovation should be a full-time managing director for a risk officer. she would include a section on the cios report. it needs to be a section ten years in on that cio report. i would say