this embodies john galt's famous speech. this is basically a summary of objectivism applied to how to run a business, and all 30,000bb and t employees right down to the teller are evaluated every six months based on how they are complying with these randan ideals. i want to quote to you from this, and tell you what bbt's statement of purpose is. now, think about this for a second. 23 you worked for a large company, you know the purpose statements, it's to serve the communities or save the whales. here's bb and t's purpose, "our ultimate purpose is to create sue peoria economic rewards for our shareholders. we're in it for the money, who knew!" [applause] folks, they are all in it for the money. this is a guy who is honest about it. what happens when you are not honest about it? instead of having 30,000 employees, you have 30,000 liars. that works for countrywide. don't try that one. be honest with the employees. this is a noble mission. we all want to succeed. we all want to make money. we all understand that shareholders ha