we brought in personal finance expert vera gibbons with the answers. johns this one through twitter: >> there are two education credits. in order to get them you have to claim your daughter as a dependent. however if your name is on the loan you are making regular payments you can deduct the income. that is a maximum break of $2,500. >>> deborah in lexington, kentucky this is from facebook. when you are paying monthly installments from taxes owed in 2011. can you still make out a deal for payments in 2012. >> nothing will say you have to pay off a previous installment while working off another year. the one restriction would be if your fax liability is 50,000 dollars or above. a little more cumbersome. should be fine. go to irs.gov and get the application agreement on there. bob from ohio, i just can't find the time. there are only two things in life that are certain. death and taxes. if you can't possibly do that you have to file a form 4868 you have six months to get it together. just an ex pension to file. you have to pay your best estimate of what you o