they were very subdued and somber. >> john giuca's mom and his stepdad are there. er mother ever, has gone to bat for her son. she thinks he's falsely accused. >> the truth will set him free. >> john guica had supporters, and you would see them wearing t-shirts that said, "free john guica." >> you sat in the courtroom every day. >> yes. >> what was that like? >> it was terrible. it was awful. one lie after the other after the other. >> was there any forensic evidence linking your son to the murder? >> zero. zero. this case was on testimony only. he said, she said. testimony only. >> this case was built largely on circumstantial evidence and statements from witnesses who were at one point very shifty. >> representing the prosecution was someone, a young prosecutor at the time, named anna-sigga nicolazzi. >> how many people did you interview? >> over 100. well over 100. >> nicolazzi was one of the stars of the office. >> this prosecutor is very articulate. she's a very strong prosecutor. she makes a powerful impression on the jury. >> some of the evidence presented to