givner. >> i'm city attorney, john givner. so the state law restricts how the city can appoint members of the housing authority. under the mou, the proposed plan is for the mayor to appoint the members of the housing authority and the mayor has committed in a letter that she submitted to the file this week and in the mou itself, that she will follow the recommendations of the board for certain members of the commission. that provision in the letter and the mou are not going to be legally binding if a future mayor concludes that he or she wants to appoint a member to those seats on the housing authority that are inconsistent with the recommendations of the board. the mayor will retain that discretion under state law, unless, as miss campbell suggests, state law is chappinged to give the board of supervisors appointment authority. >> thank you for that clarification. so i had a question. so, then, would the adopting the mou with the proposed restructure itself be a violation of state law? >> no, administer the mou, the mayor ret