. >> john gizzy, chief political correspondent, news max.question both related to politics, you mentioned earlier the flemish, and other break-ups that would be in the works is there any vad mir putin is looking at that to look at crimia leaving ukraine or the new state he talks about. second question. what would happen to the members of the house of common, and the house of lords, who come from scotland, and would this have any impact on the british elections scheduled for 2015? >> first question, i don't remember if it was putin or some other russian politician, look, scotland is doing it, why can't we? i haven't much though. i don't think what skolt land does would stop from russia is doing at the moment. scottish independence referendum is the agreement of the elected government of scotland and the elected government of the united kingdom. it is mutually agreed by mutually elected government. therefore, even if the argument were invoked, i think it would be a parallel that could not be used. since the polls narrowed, this has been discus