going to happen when they're implemented by police forces here at home i was drawn earlier by john glasser assistant editor for antiwar dot com i asked him his opinion about the success rates of drones take a listen. well they're successful in killing a lot of people they're not successful in terms of strategy i mean for years now throughout the barack obama drone war years. particularly in pakistan but also in yemen there have been a few small voices doing real journalism exposing the drone war as killing hundreds and hundreds of civilians despite the administration's claims that drones in the able them to hit with christie very specific targets and we learned of course in the new york times or what that article reiterated yesterday was that there's a very specific reason the obama administration has been able to claim absurdly that little to no civilian casualties have resulted from the drone war and that's because of the way they've chosen to counsel billions and what they have said is that any and all military age people that happen to be present when we drop a missile in pakistan or y