as we used to say, as i used to say in the late '90s, when john gotti and kevin mitnick get together, look out. so in other words, a leading gangster or organized crime group, if they team up with level aa hackers and then use their ability to penetrate computer networks, database systems as spike mentioned, when they are able to do that and then commit extortion against the amazons and against the banks and against the security companies, we will really see the jeopardy to our system and to our government, and to the economic engine that drives not just the u.s. but other companies. if i could add one more difference that's important with jihad. the jihadi groups in many cases, they want to overthrow the government, replace it with sharia law or whatever system they believe in, a funnel system that they want to install. organized crime doesn't want to do that. that gangsters in this country want passionate they are not patriotic. they want the u.s. to survive and stay will because it's a cash cow. if the cow dies, no more milk. so they really want to just suck off and bleed off money