john grimes and there are also other stakeholders involved of the african union in the u. n. d. got in various doing this and who are involved in this piece process. so it's about holding these processes to this individuals to account, but also about ensuring that the sub 2 mechanisms that have been put in place, such as an undergo such as sections and trouble loans that the vision, you know, implement some of these mechanisms that have been put in place and that the, our process is to was ensuring accountability for the many horrendous for richard crime. so we have documented in many others have documented this country. brooke, copy 2013. so at the end of the day, yes, which are and kia and president, kia, uh, fox, but uh, are seemed to be the, you know, the 2 people don't hold much of the interest insults a dog. but as many civil society activists will, will tell you, the country is bigger and the future belongs to many subsidies. yeah, good. just to be clear that one, that point you were making about crimes being committed. and these being the 2 man who's being in charge and,