so sergeant major john h. hawkins had first enlisted in '76 in a pennsylvania unit, had served through it and then in january '77 was up for re-enlistment. many of the soldiers who had enlisted in '76 were on short-term enlistments. the army going into '77 was, again, trying to recruit an army at this point and john h. hawkins re-enlisted in congress' own. as he re-enlisted because he also had service time, and i think also because he was so literate, he was a writer -- we'll come to that in a moment -- he was first given a corporal's enlistment and very quickly within weeks was made a sergeant of the regiment. so john h. hawkins, who is he? i think he is from philadelphia. some of this, i won't say full assumptions. i am following clues. i spent probably too much time trying to find this guy in the records. not always the easiest person to find but from what i could understand, first of all, by reading his journal, is that he kept talking about his typographical brethren. he talk about printing offices. he talked abo