and, john h. hopkins realist in congress's own. as he realest it, because he also had service time, and also because he was so literate he was a writer, he had come to that moment. he was first given a corporal's enlistments. and then, very quickly, within weeks was made a sergeant of the regiment. so, john h. hopkins, who is he? i think he is from philadelphia. some of this, i will not say full assumptions, but i am following clues. i spent probably way too much time trying to find this guy in the records. not always the easiest person to find, but, from what i could understand. first of all, by reading his journal is that he kept talking about his typographical brethren. hey talked about printing offices, hey talked about newspapers. he was holding newspapers and books in his knapsack's. in fact, when you look at that journal over there they have it on the page. he is talking about what he lost when he threw his knapsack when he was running before those british highlander's to get away at brandy wine. and then, part of, it when y