john harbaugh. sot ravens post: harbaughh it's the fl, itt one loss. its the nfl, we came in ar, with good intentions.wwdy to do battle, i thought our guyy fought. we &pkept running in, and thhy kep throwing us out/. .... suggs. theres no sugar coatinggit, call a spade a spade, they hoooed oor ass. &pthese were two teamm coming off emotional disappointmentss .. they had the advantaae of being t ome. " 3 "being at home. " "" the ravens do not play again until november 4th againss cleveland. ssccer match in cyyrus takes very dangerous turn.a player is down... receivinn ... when aaparrntly, a taff - ddsgruntled fan... throws an explosive... directly at thhe injured player.assyou can see... everyone runs away... covering their seems whether the perron who threw phe explosvie was caught. a confused north dakota woman...callssinto a radio dakotaawwman...a confused norttha confused north dakota woman...calls intooa radio it makessfor one hilarious .and- call."why arr we ecnouring deer to cross the interstate... ... likely toobe struck my ... oncoming raffic."k my traffic."the woman dubbed into a morning