john hendrenc news the whituse. > more people ou the globe are ving pt the 0-year andhose numrs are exctedom. census bureau gureshow there e entl75,0 sen t theirians in u.sand more than0,0 by midcentury kingt the fastest gwing segment attributed to improved diet >>> michl vick's te comes to an end t in federastem. thsuspende star served 23 or running dogfighti ring whethel be allowedo return to thnfl n en tion. some alysts spece he'l ven a condiona reinstatement. >>> the ama administration is to protect a min acs ofand near the gra canyon. e interior department is tryi to curb uranium ming there btempory bar the filing of nemining claims in that area. thdecisionomes aad of tomorrow's conessional aringsn a bill to prerve nd to e nortand soutof the ny >>> wella dramati rescu o the coof new jersey.threfishern weaved from eir burninat as it s ofoceaco yeerday. coast guard tt quickly put out e es from a eine . the n naged to make it into life boat. ey were pued to fety b the crew of fishing vessel w arthr resscall > in fri the adult daht of a pensacola coue mueredarlier ts month ys e ake care o