- john highsmith. come on in. greg. this is john highsmith. he got robbed and stomped. how do you do, mr. highsmith? come on. how badly did you get hurt, mr. highsmith? the complaint. it determines how we write it up. every bone in my body is broken. those kids sure didn't hurt your smart mouth too much, did they, mr. highsmith? we understand you're upset. uh, it's not gonna help anything taking a lousy attitude. i was on my way to the public theater. about 50 feet ahead of me a young black man began screaming that his friend was having an epileptic fit. as i hurried to help, the one who was screaming suddenly grabbed his hand back, g to put in his friend's mouth to keep him from swallowing his tongue? i gave my wallet to the one boy who wasn't having a seizure. then the victim-- the one on the ground-- suddenly kicked me. the other one struck me on the back of the neck. and as i lay there on the ground, they both kicked me again and again. completely gratuitous. did you get a decent look at these guys? black. punks. teenagers. at? - how do you intend to proceed, gentlem