he's john hodgman, this is overheard. john hodgman, welcome. - thank you so much, it's wonderful to be here. - good to see you and welcome back, and congratulations on this. - thank you, this is my book, vacationland. - it's a lovely book. you know that, we're gonna talk almost exclusively about this - we can talk about whatever you like. - the cover is one of the great book covers of the year. it's a great design. i think the design is fantastic. - and may i credit the genius of aaron draplin of portland, oregon, an amazing designer who works in this kind of '70s, what he calls "thick line" style. he designs logos and corporate identities. he also created field notes, those little notebooks you can get at bookstores. so he's an amazing guy. he's got a book called pretty much everything, which is a beautiful collection of his designs. - are you doing his cover? - oh sure, i'll do his cover. it'll just be called "good job draplin." but i love him and i'm so thrilled that he was able to do it. - i love this book but i just