that would be john hofmeister, citizens for affordable energy founder and ceo, former president of the ask you about gas prices. i will get to keystone, i promise. but i have to ask you about gas. there's a spike going on here. are we going to see $5 a gallon gasoline? i know you have talked about it before. >> well, certainly in some parts of the country, i believe we will, stuart. whether that's california, new york, illinois. these are high tax states. and so that elevates the price to the consumer. but this is the fifth year in a row that we have seen crude oil prices jump in the first quarter. even with europe in recession, even with the u.s. contracting in the fourth quarter of last year, we're still seeing crude oil prices jump because we remain at the mercy of an international cartel, setting prices and we have no plan in this country. i said to senator obama in 2007, stuart, if he doesn't do something, about drilling in this country, in a major way, and also working on natural gas as a transportation fuel, we are going to see endless pain at the pump, and the american consumer