john hogan ofrks, north dakota talking on the senate floor about the government shutdown. >> it is positive, extremely positive. you just feel good when you see the senate start working the way you know it should work and congress hopefully moving in the right direction. we should never get to a shutdown. i have said this before. to serveaken an oath the people. not to basically invoke any hardships or pain. should be to prevent that from happening. when this happens, the self- inflicted pain, that hurts. hurts from that standpoint. we will get this done. i feel very confident. the leaders are very positive. they are working in the most positive manner. i would have to say they have an outline of what they want. i think it is just putting the dates and times and making sure it works for everybody procedurally. i know four of them are supposed to go to the president to meet with him at the white house sometime today. they are all working together. the house is just as important as the senate. we all work together. takes both of us. i feel good about it, i really do. i come to the floor today