. >> john holliday, i'm an economist. a hypothetical question. that's what i get out of here alive. what happens if you cut all of it and went back to 1960. is this a political issue? i'm thinking in terms there's civil society can the family other, safety nets that aren't uncle sam. what would this look like if you got rid of everything? i'm not running for office. >> has a good answer. >> well, i think it's a fair question, frankly, and in many respects, there would be pluses. but let us say right off there we be some destitution. one of the things that has been accomplished by the welfare system, although it could have been done other ways -- is to virtually eliminate real destitution in this country. we don't have people starving in the streets itch don't think they would be if we ended everything because americans give away $350 billion a year to private charities, and a great deal more of that if we had no welfare -- great deal more would go to poverty and less probably to the symphony and museums and universities. so that i think society would adjust. but there would be a per