but when i went to juliard then john houseman formed the acting company out of our first graduating class, i got spoiled by the diversity that was inflicted upon us, because you would be a furniture mover one night, next night out be hamlet, next in restoration comedy. the next night you'd be in chekov, then small parts, big parts, leading men. with the idea being that they wanted to build the complete actor. and everything done that for four years i got a taste for that variety. i think it's stayed with me. >> charlie: has it been what you expected it to be? no. >> no. it's different. i grew up reading books about laurence ouvrier and richard burton and marlon brando and studio system. i wish that the old studio system were still in operation where they just assign you roles, how it was in drama school they put the list up on the board. oh, mime playing -- >> everybody. >> charlie: julius cesar. >> just a did what was assigned to you as opposed to having to filter through the scripts. >> charlie: do you have any idea what compass guided you through all of this? >> i think it was my own i