john howard lawson. here's all of the communist groups that you remember. here's the article that you wrote, here's the article that you wrote for "daily worker." here's the communist party five digit. they present all of the evidence. lawson and trumbau they did did- fascist, nazi, concentrate camp. they were led out. they did what the left always does. when they were caught as communist, they called the accusers communist and fascist. they were taken out and bogart and all of the people said boy, were we duked. boy, were we lied to. the airplane that they got on in los angeles is called the red star. loren said right away i should have thought oh no. no concern at all. no joe mccarthy is considered a -- he wasn't on the tv in the 1940s. he was a senator. he had nothing to do with it. but every new anti-communist was portrayed as a joe mccarthy. i quote one the co-founders of the aclu, roger baldwin. read roger baldwin "liberty under the soviets." one the founder was harry ward. he was a methodist minister. and i quote a piece that harry ward wrote for pro