host: our guest, john hudak of the brookings institution. their deputy director for the center for effective public management. mr. hudak, thanks for your time today. guest: thank you. host: we will go back 0 the question we started with for the first part of the program. your view of the supreme court. as the court comes into session on monday with several cases to be considered, if you think the court is too conservative, call and tell us why at 202-748-8000. if you think it's too liberal, call 202-748-8001. you can text us and post on our social media sites as well. "washington journal" continues. ♪ >> craig whitlock begins chapter 15 in his new book this way. "karzai's fraudulent re-election worsened a deluge of corruption that engulfed afghanistan in 2009 and 2010. dark money cascaded over the country. money launderers led suitcases loaded with $1 million or more on flights leaving kabul so crooked businessmen and politicians could stash their ill-gotten fortunes off shore." we asked him to expand on this and other stories from his book,