john jangi has prepared life's advice into practice in his own garden. alongside his ministers and maize crops he now also keeps a fruit or change. the never every other day in my realize that an orchard is one of the many sources of income generation for me. before i started this i used to only grow maize and vegetables but it was that i later grew to appreciate the orchard. different trees norrish the soil and i'm spoilt for choice. because a some fruit trees are growing others are already bearing fruit. but there somewhere that i got the. job he sells his friess in the neighboring villages and that ensures him an income even during the coronavirus crisis. so there are side soccer riot is happy with the orchards abandoned because it's also important for the whole area. there's a davis store burrs in the money many mountains and it is when they share the border we get national parks saw. that also visits that are live in these communities in the forests in also they also come into orchards where they can actually get some food since all feed on falls so