i'm calling to be supportive of john kanter, the project manager on this job. i think my understanding is there have been some concerns about the project in the past. i want to say that i've known john for about eight years and we serve on many committees together and i have found him to be very honorable person and a man of his word and i think you can count on him going forward to do the things that are agreed to this evening. i can give you some examples if you'd like. and would be happy to answer any questions about his character. >> ok. thank you. so, we will now hear from gerard westmiller. mr. westmiller. >> yes, thank you, board, thank you, everybody. i've been watching that project over the last several years, i also a four-year resident of san francisco. thank you for all the work everyone does. and i would like just to put my support in for the project and not have this project once again denied for something else. it seems like everything is set in stone and i'd like to see a building there on that block instead of just a hole. thank you. >> clerk: t