that left the school teacher, john kenlein.tted he was actually outside the deer park house that morning, 10:30, but in the hour before that, when it appeared chanin was being attacked according to the 911 call, he said he was not at chanin starbuck's house but at a star bucks in spokane getting coffee, a specific frappuchino that the store had a record of selling. >> i hear there was a great to-do about whether he ordered some specific and unusual drink. >> correct. that's the case. he purchased coffee at about the same time the 911 call had come in. it was just a little variation in time. but well within the timeframe that he couldn't have been at starbucks and he couldn't have been in deer park at the same time. >> reporter: and so the man who once looked so suspicious convinced detectives he was telling the truth. >> they looked at him every which way you could be looked at. they checked out every part of his story, and every single fact, everything that he told them checked out 100%. >> reporter: now he just had to deal wi