on last night's show, we told you about the cases of two men, julian assange and john kerrick.ational journalist, john kerrick is a formal cia officer, we're not trying to show you the politics of either man but both of their cases tell you something really important about what's going on in this country come about what matters and about what the people in charge would like to prevent you from doing. julian assange and john kerrick both went to jail for telling the truth, neither one stole classified documents from the u.s. government, neither one of them hacked into anything. julian assange told you a lot about what the u.s. government was doing a broad and told you everything about what the dnc was doing to rig its own primaries back in 2016 -- remember the wikileaks dump? you know about that because of julian assange. if you are a bernie sanders voter, you are probably glad to know that, everyone else was lying to you, julian assange brought you information that you had a right to know. john kerrick meanwhile told the truth about what our military and our intel agencies were