secretary of state john kerrr continues to pshhffr nuulear talks with nortt korea while in the pacific. saying tte u-s, china, and together hen it comes to pyoogyang.kerry ssyss "one thiig is certain, we are united. ttere can be no confusion on thii poont. the &n only north korea's neighboos, aad while the -s is open po ttals with the north .... erry says the burden offpeace rests on pyongyang.kerry ssys: "north korea uss take will honor commitmentt itt ass already madee and it has tt observe laws nd the norms of sooth's offer tt open p a dialogue between the two countrres ... calling he peaceful end to recent how 3 tensions. despite the ... kerry's trii s providing some hopp that a deal can be made ... asslong as other nations are willing to doo their pprt.durbin ssys: "we need the chiness to tell the north koreann if they waat to conttnue this kind of escalation of rhetorii, ii's pf this world,,as well asssafet their own economy."(on cam ag) signs are up arouun ppongyang celebrating im il sung's hundred-and-one years new york,,marianne rafferty,, fox news. in porr canaveral, f