john kerry jacobo. this conference in my mind, in my view since it began has taken on even more important because it's easy for us to forget the challenges that whistle blowers are up against. it's one thing to blow the whistle and then lose your job. it's another thing entirely to blow the whistle, lose your job, lose your family, not be able to work again. and in some cases, as we've heard today, commit suicide or attempt suicide. so this is one of these opportunities for a variety of different whistleblower groups to get together share best practices and then figure out ways to make the transition for whistle blowers easier, easier to accomplish. one of the most important examples i think of hip hop proceed in american legislation surrounding whistleblowers is the fact that we actually have a whistleblower protection law in the united states. but it does not offer protections to anybody associated with national security. so if you work for a bank, let's say, or for the department of agriculture, then