and when republicans in candidate did find a candidate they liked, a state lawmaker named john keyserim on the ballot. missed it be that much. keyser had to go to court to persuade a judge to put him back on the ballot, which the judge ultimately did. the judge's argument was that the signature requirement wasn't so hard and fast. it was really about stopping fraud. it wasn't just about stopping mistakes. so, a few signatures short, legitimately by mistake, the judge decided, no biggy, we'll let it slide. but then, this week, thanks to intrepid reporting from a local reporter named marshal zelinger at 7 news denver, we learned that there is another problem with the signatures that got john keyser on to that all-important ballot in colorado. and this one is a doozy. >> someone who collected signatures for john keyser turned in these petitions to help earn his spot in the race. and based on what i found, there's now a question on whether or not he actually has enough valid signatures to stay on the ballot. did you sign that petition? >> no, sir. >> did you sign this petition? >> i did n