and we do a little bit nonfiction as well, political nonfiction and writers that mike farrell, john kovacknd other cultural heroes of the left. >> you're not only the publisher but you're the founder. how did you get into books and why did you decide to start a publishing house? >> i sort of stumbled into book publishing. it was never anything i tended to do. in my previous life i was a rock 'n roll musician and i spent most of the 1990s touring the world with my band, putting out albums, doing all the things that rock 'n rollers do and when i finally arrived at the thing that rock 'n rollers do best making some money, after i made some money, i published a book basically as an experiment and i found that i really enjoyed publishing the book. it was quite successful. i published a second book, again, it was a hobby. and after publishing three or four books, i had the publishing bug and i started transitioning away from rock 'n roll and into book publishing and there's no looking back. >> now, the publisher is based in brooklyn. you live in brooklyn and you're the founder of the brooklyn bo