you just heard from john koza, cofounder of the national popular vote.1973 and 1974, i invented the instant lottery ticket with my late partner dan bauer. we sold it to state after state. host: john's young, an attorney in town. gettysburg college, one scholars.ding lincoln i was watching the bill marsh out after the election and saw the attorney general on their talking about advocating abolition of it, and we came up with this op-ed piece. trenton, florida, democrats line. charlie, you're next. interestings an conversation. i think it needs to be more talk about. do you think the electoral college suppresses the vote in a way where in a lot of these states where people know their candidate is not going to win, and the votes are going to go to the other candidate if they do not bother to vote, i wonder if that is a reason why we only participationing in some of the elections, the fact people don't think their vote is going to matter because it is already decided because the state is either blue or red? guest: it is an interesting question. whoad one cal