the revolution that john lafook mentioned. i'm going to say john even though it's dr. lapook. john was the only time that in recorded history that a slave revolt has led to the founding of a nation. and when we heard about the french revolution in 1789 and it's promise of liberty and fraternity, how could that be true if there were slaves, right? how could that be a real human rights revolution? and the answer is, of course, the haitians said it couldn't be true. it wasn't -- it wasn't real. no offense to anybody here who is from france, especially, 'cause i really love french food. [laughter] >> but it could not be meaningful without the haitian revolution. and the haitians will tell you -- and, again, this is across all spectrums of haitian society. and most of my experience has been in the rural regions, places you've now visited as a physician and my knowledge of the haitian urban elites is actually quite limited. it's mostly through books, reading books that they've written. but across that spectrum, haitians will tell you that no small amount of their current problems ar